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티칭 펜던트
Public License
1. Support auxiliary axis robot mcs
2. Modified display method (output control button and current output status)
3. Fixed an issue that did not print the error page when a critical error occurred
4. Fixed an issue that [-Y] jog button image does not appear
5. Fixed an issue that update file selection dialog
6. Fixed an issue that target position arrival verification function
1. Modified the login/logout sequence to reflect the mode switch status
2. Fixed an issue that the jog operate abnormally at low speed
3. Add GUI to reset encoder when controller state is “INC”
1. Fixed formatting issue for controller update files
2. Modified permissions to log file
Ver (23.11.28)
1. Add GUI for extended IO control
2. Fixed an issue that the robot behaves abnormally after an Ethernet connection has been disconnected
3. Modified to output notification pop-ups when saving current position to teaching data
1. Modified relavent codes according to changes in MCS Versioning method
Ver (23.03.02)
1. SW Update bug correction
– Fixed an issue that can’t recognize space(” “) in path when using “SW Update”
– Modified log files not to be overwritten while “SW Update”
2. “AS Information file” bug correction
– Modified to create a default file if “AS Information file” does not exist.
1. Pitch mode bug correction
– Fixed an issue that “Tool Offset” has not been applied to “Pitch” motion
– Fixed an issue that “Speed” has been abnormally changed after “Pitch Rotation (Rz,Ry,Rx)” motion
1. Log File Path modification
– Socket Connection Checking Log File’s path and name have been changed
Ver (22.09.15)
1. “Teaching Data” error correction
– Fixed an issue that “Teaching Data” has been initialized when increase/decrease number of array.
2. “Pose Speed” function modification
– “Pose Speed” can be set via the speed slider
1. “Digital Output” and “Arm Output” real-time display errors correction
2. “Tool Offset” function error correction
– Fixed an issue of not setting the “Tool Offset” when selecting “Teaching Data”.
Ver (22.05.18)
1. IO control errors correction
– Fixed an issue that the functions of “DOUT 6” and “DOUT 7” are swapped.
2. “Pitch Unit” error correction
Ver (22.03.23.)
1. Moving function error correction
– Fixed an issue where the “MoveTo Button” could not be released until it reached its target position.